Civil Rights Lawyer in Philadelphia

civil rights lawyer philadelphiaAs an American, we’re granted certain rights and freedoms. If your freedoms are violated in any way, a civil rights lawyer in Philadelphia or around the country will provide the best representation for your case. An attorney that specializes in civil rights cases will protect you or your group if your rights have been violated, representing you through settlement negotiations or lawsuits.

There are a number of characteristics that can result in your need for a civil rights lawyer in Philadelphia. Civil liberties concern numerous areas, including fundamental human rights, disabled rights, women’s rights, and gay rights. We often provide assistance to cases that involve discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation.

Not sure if you have a case for a civil rights suit? Think back to the situation at hand and determine whether your essential freedoms, such as speech, assembly or religion were violated. The claims process for civil rights laws are complex and complicated, so a simple consultation with a civil rights lawyer in Philadelphia will help you determine the next steps.

We take the abuse and violations from governmental agencies and employers very seriously. Under the United States Constitution, you have rights that are protected from:

  • Police Brutality
  • Malicious Prosecution
  • False Arrest
  • Unreasonable Searches and Seizures
  • Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  • Abuse by Public Officials
  • Excessive Force
  • Unlawful Firing

We represent national and high profile civil rights claims. We have recently submitted a complaint to help an unarmed civilian who was shot and paralyzed by Pennsylvania state constables.

If you feel you are victim of a violation to your civil liberties, seek representation. It can be difficult to find a reputable attorney if you’re not sure where to look. If we are unable to represent you, we have a broad network of trusted civil rights attorneys in your area that can help you get past this situation.

At GO Justice Network, we pride ourselves on our ability to pair you with a reputable civil rights lawyer in Philadelphia that has the experience and expertise to best defend your rights. In cases like these, your emotions are running high, and we help make the process a little more stress-free. Don’t let your basic American freedoms be violated. If you or a loved one has run into an issue that attacks your civil rights and liberties, contact GO Justice Network today at 866-GOJUSTICE.